
Middle Level Choral Institute for Teachers

Students On-Site

The students are invited to help the teachers learn. In the end, they learn themselves.

Thank you so much for allowing me to take part in the MLCIT conference. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to be instructed by you and all the other wonderful voice teachers, and meet some new and interesting people. I really appreciate that you would share with me the once-in-a-life time experience of studying with Mr. Armstrong, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to learn more from you in the future! - Ian Etherington, student

P.S. Tell Chef Marlena for me that lunch was delicious!






The goal of the MLCIT is to help develop and raise the choral standards at the middle level and to set a new direction in how to create an atmosphere in which students want to become competent, independent musicians. This means they will want to sing before their peers and audiences. They will want to count rhythms and sight read; and they will be enthusiastic about learning skills that improve their singing voice and musicianship.

The student demonstration group at the Middle Level Choral Institute is vital for the teachers to learn about how to create the above mentioned environment. The teachers must view what is learned through the eyes of the student demonstration group.

The goal of the instructor, Sandra Williams, is that eventually all students contribute equally in the group in their focus and gift giving..


